



Friday, December 11, 2020

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This year we are joining with Calvin Presbyterian Church to assemble Hygiene SmilePacks as our Advent Service Project. Each kit contains toiletries to help prevent common illnesses and diseases. This year we are asking families to work together to fill a hygiene bag for children in Africa. We have 50 bags to fill toward Children of the Nation’s goal to send 5,000 packs by the end of the year.
Items to include in the SmilePack are a washcloth, a bar of soap, a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, a hand towel, and a box of adhesive band-aids. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE MONEY. Costs of handling will be covered by the Global Outreach MST.  
Bags are available for pick up in a box outside the church office beginning on November 20. Filled bags may be returned to a labeled receptacle outside the church office between November 27 and December 11. Every few days someone will collect and remove the filled bags to ensure they are secure.

Special considerations:

  1. If you cannot pick up a SmilePack but want to donate goods, please put them in a two-gallon zip-lock bag and place the zip-lock bag in the receptacle. They will be transferred to a labeled pack.

  2. If you want to participate but are unable to complete the assembly by December 11, you may drop your bag off at the Schmadeka-Triesch residence, until 5:00pm December 17.

  3. Rather than filling a bag, you may donate funds to this support this campaign.  DONATE HERE

If you have any questions, please contact Reid Schmadeka  .