Lake Forest Park Church


Pastor Frank E-Blast

Weekly Update - 9/29/19

Posted by Andrea Chaumont on

The age of anxiety was written in 1947 by W.H. Auden.  The poem deals with humanity’s quest “to find substance and identity in a shifting and increasingly industrialized world.” (

In some ways, the Israelites also struggled to find substance and identity in the dessert.  They knew who they were as slaves in Egypt. But who were they now that they were no longer slaves?  “Who was God for them?”  

 The writer of Hebrews addressed these questions of identity by giving a threefold definition of rest - rest in the Promised Land, rest at Creation and rest in Jesus Christ.  In the message this Sunday will we look together at Hebrews 4. We are not too far removed from the Israelite’s struggle for identity, nor the age of anxiety W.H. Auden described.  Throughout the ages, humans continue to ask these age old questions “is God good?”  “will God come through for us?”  If we want to answer these questions about substance and identity we have to look to the One who made us for Rest.

 See you this Sunday at 10am!


-Joyful Noise children’s choir starts this week!

 -New children’s ministry check-in. You can check in by stopping by the check-in table and typing in your phone number or checking in with someone at the desk.

 -Kids will be learning about Elijah and Elisha

 -Thank you to all who have come together to make the Parenting Class happen. The first one was a big success! Thank you for all who are involved in putting this together from set-up to tech support, to clean up, to childcare to the dessert team, and everyone else!
