


Here at Lake Forest Park Church, we believe that we're created to join God's mission and not just chase the wind. We are made to be participants in the work of God and not merely spectators.

Volunteer Application

To begin the process of serving in a ministry the quickest way to get going is to follow these steps:

  1. Complete a Volunteer Application 
  2. Complete the background check request (if you have not done before or it's expired) -- if necessary you will receive a separate email after you complete the application.
  3. A ministry leader will connect with you depending upon which area you want to serve.

Following are some of the ways that we've discovered God at work in
and through Lake Forest Park Church. 


Ministry Support Teams

Neighborhood Outreach

There are lots of opportunities to get involved through the church and ministries that we support. But we believe that God is at work in your life as well. Google has this agreement with its employees. They are given the freedom to devote 20% of their work week to their own projects regardless of its relevance to Google. They could use that time to learn to surf, build a shed, or work on some other project that may benefit the company. Gmail was one of those projects, which grew from somebody’s side project to become the world’s largest email service. 

We believe in what God is doing in and through you. Perhaps God has laid something on your heart. Perhaps you’ve got a passion to see God work in a specific way. As a church, we’ve set aside funds to support ministry that is birthed in our community, from the life of one seeking hard after God. If this is you, get in touch with Session to see how we might partner together.

Pepitas Bilingual Preschool and Friday Food Packs are two examples of ministries that were birthed in the life of our community. Are you next?